I was asked to illustrate 3 similar stories from The Guardian, The Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror, on the 22nd October 2007. The story i chose was the use of batons in prisons on 16year old offenders. The Daily Mail made the prison officers out to be out numbered and threatened by the prisoners. The Daily Mirror made the guards seem to be overly violent and demanding. Finally the Guardian simply posed the question do they really need batons? From this experience i have decided to never read an opinionated newspaper again as the story can sway so drastically from one to the next.

From this we had to take the style and opinion of one of the newspapers and develop the story into an informative poster design. I chose the guardian as it was neutral and like me didn't seem to know what would be the best out come. Through my development i neutralized everything so that the out come had no opinion what so ever, keeping only the font from the guardian (Times New Roman) and these were the out come:

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