Through out this brief I have learnt all about the Print process and different colour models, to the extent that I can recognise methods of printing. And also how to use these methods effectively.
I have found that I like the ability to analyse prints and pick them a part. Knowing what your looking at and thinking of the design process which must have taken place gives the print so much more meaning, especially when looking at colour models as the different types of ink hold such influence on the design.
I took part in a workshop which taught me how to letterpress, were I produced my blog address using this print method. I also learnt the different uses of letterpress. In addition to this I had an induction into screen printing and printed a poster.
Although I didn’t implicate these print methods into my designs in this module I look forward to using them in the future.
I have developed my photography, both of moving people and my work, learning how to take, light and frame photographs. I have also been developing my understanding of type through typography seminars and used what I had learnt through my designs.
This module I have learnt that I enjoy learning skills and practical processes, creating a better understanding of things so that I can pick designs apart to reveal how they were made.
My strengths through this module were my understanding of colour models and print processes.
And I feel I need to improve on my typography and layout. Especially when developing layouts.
If I was to do anything differently next module, it would be to organise my time and work more. I would also develop an even greater understanding of my target audience, which in addition would be defined much earlier.